Sunday, January 25, 2009


Dr. Stephane Bergeron, a Quebec City physician and entrepreneur, is the President and CEO of Brain Centre International (BCI), and of its American affiliate, Brain Centre America (BCA).
One of the first products marketed by them was software that the end-users could use to train the brain and to sharpen a number of cognitive functions --- memory, processing speed, and so on.
In the second week of January of this year, at two press conferences held in the Miami - Fort Lauderdale area, BCI and Lady of America Fitness Centers (LOA) announced the launching of a joint venture. It was to announce that BCI's latest invention, the NeuroActive Bike, would be making its U.S. debut at LOA fitness centers. The Bike is a standard exercise stationary bike, with one very interesting and intriguing feature added to it. Mounted on the handlebars is a computer monitor. The Bike is also equipped with a wireless mouse, and software containing 22 brain-stimulating programmes. As a result, while one pedals and gets an aerobic effect, one can simultaneously train different parts of the brain: memory, concentration, 3D visuo-spatial skills, etc.!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome to My New Blog

I hope to start a new venture shortly with the aim of making the lives of seniors more livable and more enjoyable.
Whether it be in providing memory enhancement products or memory enhancement programmes; mobility enhancement products (scooters, wheelchairs, walkers); or fall prevention products, I will try to be a one-stop seniors' assistance and service centre. Using the Internet,and acting in affiliation with recognized e-vendors, I hope to create a unique niche and market.

More news as it becomes available.